2020-08-25 01:27:51 +08:00
<footer class="article-footer">
{{ with $tags := .Params.Tags }}
<section class="article-tags">
{{ range $tags }}
<a href="/tags/{{ . | urlize }}">{{ . | humanize }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
2020-09-06 20:02:48 +08:00
{{ if and (.Site.Params.article.license.enabled) (not (eq .Params.license false)) }}
2020-08-25 01:27:51 +08:00
<section class="article-copyright">
{{ (resources.Get "icons/copyright.svg").Content | safeHTML }}
2020-09-06 20:02:48 +08:00
<span>{{ default .Site.Params.article.license.default .Params.license }}</span>
2020-08-25 01:27:51 +08:00
{{ end }}
2020-09-07 02:26:18 +08:00
2020-09-07 02:33:23 +08:00
{{- if ne .Lastmod .Date -}}
2020-09-07 02:26:18 +08:00
<section class="article-time">
{{ (resources.Get "icons/clock.svg").Content | safeHTML }}
2020-09-09 23:17:09 +08:00
<span class="article-time--modified">
2020-09-10 04:41:42 +08:00
{{ T "lastUpdatedOn" (.Lastmod.Format ( or .Site.Params.dateFormat.lastUpdated "Jan 02, 2006 15:04 MST" )) }}
2020-09-09 23:17:09 +08:00
2020-09-07 02:26:18 +08:00
{{- end -}}
2020-08-25 01:27:51 +08:00