romainx 1d95c4b8ff Fix categories with special char or spaces not displayed correctly
Call to [`urlize`]( to get the category url instead of using its name directly.
2020-10-09 09:49:19 +02:00

41 lines
1.5 KiB

{{ $image := partialCached "helper/image" (dict "Context" . "Type" "article") .RelPermalink "article" }}
{{- $context := . -}}
{{- $categories := .Params.categories -}}
<div class="article-details">
{{ if $categories }}
<header class="article-category">
{{ range $category := $categories }}
{{ $term := $.Site.GetPage (printf "/categories/%s" $category | urlize ) }}
{{ if and $image.exists $image.resource }}
{{- $imageRaw := $image.resource | resources.Fingerprint "md5" -}}
{{- $20x := $imageRaw.Fill "20x20 smart" -}}
<a href="{{ $term.Permalink }}" class="color-tag"
data-image="{{ $20x.RelPermalink }}" data-key="{{ $context.Slug }}" data-hash="{{ $imageRaw.Data.Integrity }}">{{ $term.Title | humanize }}</a>
{{ else }}
<a href="{{ $term.Permalink }}">{{ $term.Title | humanize }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<h2 class="article-title">
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}">
{{- .Title -}}
{{ with .Params.description }}
<h3 class="article-subtitle">
{{ . }}
{{ end }}
{{- if not .Date.IsZero -}}
<footer class="article-time">
{{ (resources.Get "icons/clock.svg").Content | safeHTML }}
<time class="article-time--published">
{{- .Date.Format (or .Site.Params.dateFormat.published "Jan 02, 2006") -}}
{{- end -}}