mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 12:03:31 +08:00
In order to fix this kind of typo, the (not sophisticated) Regular Expression: `[a-zA-Z] [aA] [aeiouAEIOU]` was ran. That Regular Expression matches some good written sentences like `a User`, therefore, those has been omitted.
62 lines
2.6 KiB
62 lines
2.6 KiB
{{ $result := dict "exists" false "permalink" nil "resource" nil "isDefault" false }}
{{ $imageField := default "image" .Context.Site.Params.featuredImageField }}
{{ $imageValue := index .Context.Params $imageField }}
{{ if $imageValue }}
<!-- If page has `image` field set -->
{{ $result = merge $result (dict "exists" true) }}
{{ $url := urls.Parse $imageValue }}
{{ if or (eq $url.Scheme "http") (eq $url.Scheme "https") }}
<!-- Is an external image -->
{{ $result = merge $result (dict "permalink" $imageValue) }}
{{ else }}
{{ $pageResourceImage := .Context.Resources.GetMatch (printf "%s" ($imageValue | safeURL)) }}
{{ if $pageResourceImage }}
<!-- If image is found under page bundle -->
{{ $result = merge $result (dict "permalink" $pageResourceImage.RelPermalink) }}
<!-- Disable SVG image processing, not supported by Hugo -->
{{ if ne (path.Ext $imageValue) ".svg" }}
{{ $result = merge $result (dict "resource" $pageResourceImage) }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
<!-- Can not find the image under page bundle. Could be a relative linked image -->
{{ $result = merge $result (dict "permalink" (relURL $imageValue)) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if and (ne .Type nil) (index .Context.Site.Params.defaultImage .Type) }}
<!-- Type arg is set, check for defaultImage setting -->
{{ $defaultImageSetting := index .Context.Site.Params.defaultImage .Type }}
{{ if $defaultImageSetting.enabled }}
{{ $result = merge $result (dict "isDefault" true) }}
{{ $result = merge $result (dict "exists" true) }}
{{ if $defaultImageSetting.local }}
{{ $siteResourceImage := resources.GetMatch (printf "%s" ($defaultImageSetting.src | safeURL)) }}
{{ if $siteResourceImage }}
<!-- Try search image under site's assets folder -->
{{ $result = merge $result (dict "permalink" $siteResourceImage.RelPermalink) }}
{{ $result = merge $result (dict "resource" $siteResourceImage) }}
{{ else }}
<!-- Can not find the image -->
{{ errorf "Failed loading image: %q" $defaultImageSetting.src }}
{{ $result = merge $result (dict "exists" false) }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
<!-- External image -->
{{ $result = merge $result (dict "permalink" (relURL $defaultImageSetting.src)) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ return $result }}