# Theme's default configuration, can be overridden by user configuration # Pages in the following sections will appear on the homepage and in RSS mainSections: - post # Front matter field for cover image featuredImageField: image # Output full content to RSS feed rssFullContent: true # Path to favicon, relative to assets folder favicon: footer: # Year when site was first published since: # Custom text in footer, supports HTML customText: dateFormat: # Date format for published date published: "Jan 02, 2006" # Date format for last updated date lastUpdated: "Jan 02, 2006 15:04 MST" sidebar: emoji: subtitle: compact: false avatar: img/avatar.png article: # Enable LaTeX math syntax for all pages by default math: false readingTime: true license: enabled: false default: Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 comments: enabled: false # Available providers: cactus, cusdis, disqus, disqusjs, giscus, gitalk, remark42, twikoo, utterances, vssue, waline provider: disqus # Note: for Disqus, set disqusShortname at top level disqusjs: shortname: apiUrl: apiKey: admin: adminLabel: utterances: repo: issueTerm: pathname label: beaudar: repo: issueTerm: pathname label: theme: remark42: host: site: locale: vssue: platform: owner: repo: clientId: clientSecret: autoCreateIssue: false # Waline client configuration see: https://waline.js.org/en/reference/client.html waline: serverURL: lang: pageview: emoji: - https://unpkg.com/@waline/emojis@1.0.1/weibo requiredMeta: - name - email - url locale: admin: Admin placeholder: twikoo: envId: region: path: lang: # See https://cactus.chat/docs/reference/web-client/#configuration for description of the various options cactus: defaultHomeserverUrl: "https://matrix.cactus.chat:8448" serverName: "cactus.chat" siteName: "" # You must insert a unique identifier here matching the one you registered (See https://cactus.chat/docs/getting-started/quick-start/#register-your-site) giscus: repo: repoID: category: categoryID: mapping: lightTheme: darkTheme: reactionsEnabled: 1 emitMetadata: 0 gitalk: owner: admin: repo: clientID: clientSecret: cusdis: host: id: widgets: homepage: [] page: [] opengraph: twitter: # Your Twitter username site: # Available values: summary, summary_large_image card: summary_large_image defaultImage: opengraph: enabled: false local: false src: colorScheme: # Display toggle toggle: true # Available values: auto, light, dark default: auto imageProcessing: allowedTypes: - jpeg - png - gif - webp resizableTypes: - jpeg - png - webp cover: enabled: true small: width: 800 threshold: 1000 # Only process images above this width big: width: 1600 threshold: 2000 content: enabled: true small: width: 480 threshold: 600 big: width: 1024 threshold: 1200