# Change baseurl before deploy baseurl = "https://demo.stack.jimmycai.com" languageCode = "en-us" paginate = 5 title = "Hugo Theme Stack Starter" # Theme i18n support # Available values: ar, bn, ca, de, el, en, es, fr, hu, id, it, ja, ko, nl, pt-br, th, uk, zh-cn, zh-hk, zh-tw DefaultContentLanguage = "en" # Set hasCJKLanguage to true if DefaultContentLanguage is in [zh-cn ja ko] # This will make .Summary and .WordCount behave correctly for CJK languages. hasCJKLanguage = false # Change it to your Disqus shortname before using disqusShortname = "hugo-theme-stack" # GA Tracking ID googleAnalytics = ""